Creating a Lead conversion rate KPI
The lead conversion rate shows what percentage of the total visitors to a website have carried out a specific action for example, made a purchase or sent an inquiry. You want to calculate the lead conversion rate using the following formula:
100*<Number of contact requests>/<Number of visitors>
To create the Lead conversion rate KPI, you also require the KPIs Number of contact requests and Number of visitors.
Constant KPIs and measurements can be used for the calculation of other KPIs. In the formula, the names of the KPIs that are used are placed in angle brackets ("<" and ">").
Starting from the top navigation, click > Planner > Settings > KPIs.
Click Add new KPI.
Enter Number of contact requests in the Name input field for the KPI.
Select the Measurement type.
From the Analysis Type dropdown list, select the More is better entry.
Enter the corresponding status borders.
Click Save.
Click Add new KPI.
Enter Number of visitors as names for the KPI in the input field.
Repeat steps 4 to 7.
Click Add new KPI.
Enter Lead conversion rate as names for the KPI in the input field.
From the Type dropdown list, select the entry Computed.
Click the Formula field.
Enter the required formula using the formula wizard:
Click Add number.
Click the number.
Enter the number 100.
Click OK.
Click the multiplication sign icon.
Click > Add function > KPI > Number of contact requests.
Click the division sign icon.
Click > Add function > KPI > Number of visitors.
Click OK.
The Number 0 is inserted.
An input dialog box is displayed.
The dialog box closes.
From the Type dropdown list, select the More is better entry.
Enter the corresponding status borders.
Click Save.
A dialog box opens.
The dialog box closes.
A dialog box opens.
A dialog box opens.
A dialog box opens.
This closes the input screen and the calculated KPI Lead conversion rate has been created.